For Researchers



The Department of Psychiatry at King George’s Medical University, Lucknow is the most pre-eminent psychiatric service in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and caters to a large population from north and central India. The Department has gained prominence in various scientific fields related to mental health and has been a major research center for various WHO and ICMR projects. Several other organizations have been associated with the department in research -to name a few, State Medical Research Council, U.P., State Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, U.P., State Council of Science and Technology, U.P. and various National and Multinational Pharmaceutical companies. The department has also been actively involved in organizing a large number of national and state level conferences and symposia. More than 1000 research papers have been contributed by the staff members of the department in various national and international journals of psychiatry and clinical psychology.

InvestigatorProfessionContact InformationPublications
Dr Adarsh TripathiAdditional Professor, Department of
Google Scholar
Dr Anil NischalProfessor, Department of Google Scholar


Previous/ Ongoing Research Collaborations

c-VEDA  (Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders & Addictions)

  • An ICMR - MRC grant and its main papers
  • Comprises of  >14.000 participants aged 0-25 years who have been genotyped
  • Participants include those with high risk for substance misuse and population-based individuals from different social and environmental (rural and urban) backgrounds.

Collaborating Sites:

  • NIMHANS Bangalore,
  • PGIMER, Chandigarh; 
  • RIMH, Tezpur,
  • Mysore

ADBS (Accelerator Program for Discovery in Brain Disorders using Stem Cells

  • Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
  • Study of multiplex families with severe mental illnesses
  • Whole exome sequencing for 300 multiplex-affected families and population controls


Wray et al. (2018) in Nature GeneticsGenome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression.


Howard et al. (2019) in Nature NeuroscienceGenome-wide meta-analysis of depression identifies 102 independent variants and highlights the importance of the prefrontal brain regions.
