Outreach Committee
The committee consists of a member from each workgroup, as well as other ad hoc volunteer members. Activities that have been organized by the Outreach Committee include updates to Wikipedia pages for psychiatric and substance use disorders to improve the accuracy of content, workshops for researchers on science communication and media training, and managing the PGC twitter account. The committee is currently working on updating the PGC website to create a more informative and intuitive experience for researchers new to the PGC, and the creation and curation of a new section of content for the public.
If you are interested in getting involved in the Outreach committee, or if you have materials that you would like to share to bring PGC research to the public, please contact either of the committee chairs or the outreach liaison for your workgroup.

Outreach Committee Chairs
Jerry Guintivano, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Helena Davies, PhD
CEDaR - Center for Eating and feeding Disorders Research
Outreach Committee Liaisons
Working Group | Liaison Name | Contact Information |
Africa Working Group (AFR) | Ofure Okoh | ofure_okoh@psych.mpg.de |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Marieke Klein | Marieke.Klein@radboudumc.nl |
Alzheimer's Disease (ALZ) | Ole Andreassen | o.a.andreassen@medisin.uio.no |
Anxiety (ANX) | Abi Ter Kuile | abigail.ter_kuile@kcl.ac.uk |
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | Melanie De Wit | m.m.p.de.wit@vu.nl |
Bipolar Disorder (BIP) | Jessica Yang | Marieke.Klein@radboudumc.nl |
Cross-Disorder Group (CDG) | Travis Mallard | TMALLARD@mgh.harvard.edu |
Cross-Population Analyses | Roseann Peterson | peterson.roseann@gmail.com |
Copy Number Variation (CNV) | Jonathan Sebat | jsebat@ucsd.edu |
Eating Disorders (ED) | Helena Davies | helena.lucy.davies@regionh.dk |
Eating Disorders (ED) | Natasha Berthold | natasha.berthold@research.uwa.edu.au |
Eating Disorders (ED) | Stefana Aicoboaie | stefana.aicoboaie.01@regionh.dk |
Functional Genomics | Natasha Berthold | natasha.berthold@research.uwa.edu.au |
Functional Genomics | Eva-Christina Schulte | eschulte@uni-bonn.de |
Latin American Genomics Consortium (LAGC) | Estela Bruxel | bruxel.em@gmail.com |
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) | Karmel Choi | kwchoi@mgh.harvard.edu |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Tourette Syndrome (OCD/TS) | Zachary Gerring (OCD) | zachary.gerring@qimrberghofer.edu.au |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Tourette Syndrome (OCD/TS) | Peristera "Perry" Paschou (TS) | ppaschou@purdue.edu |
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Seyma Katrinli | seyma.katrinli@emory.edu |
Schizophrenia (SCZ) | Kimberley Kendall | kendallkm@cardiff.ac.uk |
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) | Howard Edenberg | edenberg@iu.edu |
Suicide Working Group (SUI) | Maria Koromina | maria.koromina@mssm.edu |