For Researchers

Working Groups >> Cross Disorder Analyses

Cross Disorder Analyses Working Group Leadership

Work with us!

If you have questions regarding the PGC CD workgroup or projects that are currently being conducted, please contact the workgroup chairs.

For any questions or ideas related to research dissemination (e.g., via this webpage, social media, blogs, press outlets), please contact the workgroup outreach liaison.

If you have questions about how to access summary statistics or genotype-level data, or are interested to submit a secondary analysis proposal, please contact the workgroup data access committee representative.

About Us

Our History

The Cross-Disorder workgroup has been a part of the PGC since 2008. The workgroup includes representatives from each of the PGC disease workgroups and its teleconferences are open to the full PGC membership. Our group focuses on the study of cross-phenotype genetic influences that transcend diagnostic boundaries.

Our Motivation

Drs. Jordan Smoller and Ken Kendler co-chair our group. Analyses led by the Cross-Disorder group have identified pleiotropic effects and genetic correlations across multiple childhood- and adult-onset psychiatric disorders (PMID 2375279723933821). The Cross-Disorder group teleconferences are also a venue for scientific discussion of cross-phenotype analyses initiated by members of our PGC workgroups.

Get Involved!

Members of the workgroup stay connected through regular conference calls (usually first Wednesday of the month, 9-10 am East Coast U.S. time) and the CDG listserv. If you are interested in joining our teleconferences or want further information regarding submitting secondary analysis proposal, please contact Jordan Smoller.


If you have questions about a specific analysis or if you are interested in joining an ongoing project, please contact the investigator leading that project.


Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Lee, S. H., Ripke, S., Neale, B. M., Faraone, S. V., Purcell, S. M., … International Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics Consortium (IIBDGC). (2013). Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs. Nature Genetics45(9), 984–994.


Solovieff, N., Cotsapas, C., Lee, P. H., Purcell, S. M., & Smoller, J. W. (2013). Pleiotropy in complex traits: challenges and strategies. Nature Reviews. Genetics14(7), 483–495.
