Documents for Data Access
The PGC is committed to an open source philosophy while keeping within the limits of national laws and ethical review restrictions. The goal of the open sharing of data is to engage more research groups, maximize knowledge, and accelerate progress on important psychiatric conditions.
We request that all participants indicate agreement with the PGC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and understand the obligations and benefits of participating.
If you are a new investigator and have questions about data sharing, please contact your workgroup chair for details.
Required PGC Agreements
We request that all participants indicate agreement with the PGC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and understand the obligations and benefits of participating.
PGC dbGAP Collection
The collection includes cases and controls used in the GWAS meta-analysis of neuropsychiatric phenotypes studied by investigators in the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium including major depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, Tourette Syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The consent type for data sets includes general research use as well as phenotype-specific restricted usage. This dbGaP collection was created to facilitate identification of datasets used in PGC analyses in order to expedite the application and ascertainment process for PGC members wishing to access data within the consortium. Non-PGC members may also apply for this dbGaP collection.
Please access the collection here.
dbGaP Access
Some investigators have said they have difficulty understanding what dbGaP requires in order to get access to data. Others have found the dbGaP process logical and straight-forward. If you have had difficulty, this dbGaP template for the access webpage may be helpful.
Analyst Memo
In order to access individual level data you (and your supervisor, if you have one) must first sign the analyst memo. Please read this document carefully and follow all of the steps.
Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC)
To access these samples, please sign the WTCCC Data Access Agreement. You will be asked to upload a signed copy of this document during your data request.
Dataset Permission Sheet (DPS)
The dataset permission sheet (DPS) is a record of available datasets, including geographic information, number of cases and controls, permission criteria, etc. that PGC members may use for analysis. Please contact the appropriate DAC representative for access to the workgroup’s DPS.
Proposal Form for PGC Secondary or Cross-Disorder Analysis
The form for secondary or cross-disorder analysis proposals can be found here.